Same Day Delivery:
We are using Lalamove or Grab as Same day delivery service, all areas that covered by these 2 service provider will be able to arrange.
Availble time slot:
We can arrange your order anytime between 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 2pm on Saturday.
Steps to order:
- Contact our personal shopper at 01115042788 / 03-2381 2228
- Give us the list of products that you want to buy or to place the order via our website
- We will calculate the total as well as the shipping fee according to your address
- Once buyer agreed on the total and payment made we will start to arrange your order.
- Normally within an hour we will have your order ready to pickup by lalmove or Grab
- Customer will receive the order within an hour or 2, depends on the distance from our warehouse to your area.